Become a member

Membership at Pharmaciae Sacrum has many advantages, for example you can get study books and lab articles at a reduced price. In addition, P.S. organizes many activities for its members, as can be seen in the agenda. For example, there is a P.S. Social Drink on the first Tuesday of the month, there are excursions to pharmaceutical companies and informative activities, for example in the form of lunch lectures and workshops. Pharmaciae Sacrum also offers a lot of fun. During breaks, the P.S. boardroom is always full of people who come for a cup of coffee or tea or come for lunch. It is precisely because of this that P.S. is a binding factor for Pharmacy students.
As a member you can take place in a committee or in the board, so you can gain experience in organizing activities, writing to writers and speakers and working in a team.
Here you can register yourself as a member of the association.
In addition, you must also send the registration form and SEPA authorization by mail, because otherwise we will not be able to approve your registration. When we have received these forms, we will accept you on our website and you can fill in the rest of your details. From then on you have access to the entire website and you can also register for activities via the website.
Pharmaciae Sacrum’s membership is €20,- a year. If you register as a member of P.S., you automatically become a member of the national pharmacy association, the K.N.P.S.V. Membership of P.S. ensures that you get a discount on your books and that you can go to all activities of P.S. You also have the possibility to receive an annual almanac and four Foliola (the association magazine).
Here you find frequently asked questions.