Alumni Committee


The Alumni Committee consists of four alumni and the ab-actis of the board. This committee organizes the Alumni Day or the Reunion Day. During the Alumni Day former P.S. members get together to do a fun activity. Each 2,5 year this day is organized for all Alumni of the study association. During a Lustrum year the Alumni Day is called the Reunion Day. For the organization of the Reunion Day someone from the Lustrum Committee will also take part in the Alumni Committee. This committee also organises the yearly Alumni Drink.

Alumni Committee 2023-2026

Laura ten Broek (2014) Praeses
Laura Schot (2015) Ab-actis
Jan de Boer (2014) Quaestor
Lotte van 't Hoff (2016) Assessor I
Juliette Meijers (2020) Assessor II