Committee Cup

Current holders of the Committee Cup: Almanac Committee
Committee Cup
Committees, can we have your attention! The battle has begun! You can now win the Committee Cup by attending a number of activities. You can earn up to two points during some activities. One point for presence and one point for clothing. The committee needs to take a picture with the P.S.-camera. The committee may also take a selfie with their own camera/phone.
There are some conditions attached to the photos.
- Pictures taken with a camera other than the P.S.-camera must be sent to or the assessor II of the board within 24 hours.
- Only committee members of the corresponding committee should be in the picture.
- The photo must show that it has been taken while participating in the full length of the activity (with exceptions for valid reasons to leave earlier and Vaatje Evenings)
- Committee clothing must be clearly visible.
Points are awarded to committees during the following activities:
- General Members' Meeting
- P.S. Social Drink
- First-years Committee Parties (EJC Parties)
- End-of-Schoolyear Camp
- Introduction Committee Intro Party
- Activities of the Charity, Entertainment and Sports Committee
- AlDi-party/AlLus party
- Dies/Lustrum Reception
- Dies/Lustrum Cultural Evening
- Dies/Lustrum Outdoor Activity
- Dies/Lustrum Gala Dinner
- Dies/Lustrum Gala Ball
When there is a draw for an activity, no points are awarded for the Committee Cup
Committees can earn 1 point for presence. When the committee is complete during an activity, they get 1 point. If a committee consists of 6 people and 5 people are present, they get 5/6 point. The same applies to a committee with 5 people. If 4 persons are present, they get 4/5 point.
Committees can earn 1 point for clothing, namely:
- Wearing committee clothing during P.S. Social Drinks.
- Wearing association clothing during General Members' Meetings and Dies/Lustrum Reception. This means a P.S.-pin for men and women, plus a P.S.-tie for men.
- Wearing theme clothing during First-years Committee parties, Introduction Committee Intro Party, End-of-Schoolyear Camp parties, and the Dies Opening Party.
- Wearing a suit or evening dress at the Gala Dinner and Gala Ball during Dies/Lustrum.
Points are recorded by the board.
Four times a year the committee trophy will be awarded to the committee with the highest score. The award ceremony will take place during the General Members' Meeting. The winning committee will be displayed with a photo on the TV screen in the P.S. boardroom and on this webpage. They will also take home the Committee Cup. From that moment, the scoring will begin again. The Bylaw Committee, Alumni Committee, Financial Committee, Archives Committee, Technical Supporting Committee, and Banner Bearer Committee are not allowed to participate in the competition.
Committee Evening in 't Vaatje (or another pub) on Monday
From January 25, it is possible to earn points for the Committee Cup for being present in 't Vaatje (or another pub at that evening). If you send in a picture to the assessor II of the board before 23:00, where it is visible that you are in that specific pub. So, buckle up your committee members and join the board for a nice drink on Monday!
Change of rules 20th of October, 2020
When an activity takes place online:
- You can 1 earn point for presence for every social activity that takes place online. 1 additional point can still be earned for clothing.
- Points can only be awarded when a picture is sent in to one of the board members or to within 24 hours after the activity.
- Committee members do not have to be in the same picture when an activity is online.