Research Market

About this event

The 143rd board of G.F.S.V. "Pharmaciae Sacrum"
Date and time
Oct 18, 2024 14:00 - 17:30

Research Market

Are you going to do your Master Project in the near future and do you have no idea where to start looking for a base unit that can facilitate this? Then we have the perfect activity for you! On Friday the 18th of October from 14:00-18:00 h, Pharmaciae Sacrum organizes a Research Market. Presentations are given by the Program Directors and PhD'ers. All the base units of the pharmaceutical department will give a short pitch about who they are, what they do, and what they can offer for Master students. You will get the opportunity to give your preference for base units for the time slots beforehand. Lastly, there will be a network drink at 17:00 h! We will send you an e-mail to give your prefrences after sign-up. You can sign-up until Wednesday October 16.


14:00-15:00 h: 
14:00-14:05h     Intro by P.S.

14:05-14:20h      General info master projects Pharmacy (prof. dr. Katja Taxis)

14:20-14:35h      General info master projects MPS (prof. dr. Frank Dekker)

14:35-14:50h     PhD’ers

14:50-15:00h     Short break

15:00-17:00 h:
The hybrid poster market will consist of 4 sessions of 25 minutes, with two base units per time slot and 5 minutes of changing time (30 minutes in total). The base units will inform you about their projects and you can ask them all kinds of questions regarding your Master Project. Per time slot, you will have the opportunity to listen to one base unit.

Timeslot 1 (15:00-15:30): Nanomedicine and Drug Targeting & Pharmaceutical Technology en Biopharmacy 

Timeslot 2 (15:30-16:00):Pharmaceutical Analyses & Analytical Biochemistry

Timeslot 3 (16:00-16:30):PharmacoTherapy, -Epidimiology & -Economics & Chemical and Pharmaceutical Biology

Timeslot 4 (16:30-17:00): Laboratory Medicine (Clinical Chemistry) UMCG & Moleculair Pharmacology

17:00 h: Network drink


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