The 'BENU Apothekersopleiding' is a program that consists of three modules, namely: Human, Market, and Finance. Every module consists of two evenings (May 7 and May 28). In a time frame of three...
Women unite! On Thursday, May 8 the Women's Activity of this year will take place. This year we will go to Borrelcafé Oblomov and do a 'rondje tap' at 20:00! For max. €40,- you will get 10 craft...
Would you like to take place in one of the committees of P.S.? Then come to this evening to get more information! The Committee Carousel will take place on Monday the 12th of May. The Committee...
On May 13, the P.S. Social Drink will take place at Café 'De Toeter'. Here you can get craft beers for only €3.70, the 'Toeterburger' for €7.50 or fries for €3.50. A free keg of beer is offered at...
On Thursday the 14th of May the First Aid Course will start. The course consists of four lessons, three hours each (19:00 until 22:00) and an exam. The other lessons are on the 15th, 20th and...