National Company Visit

About this event

Committee Pharmaceutical Sciences 'SSS' 2023-2024
27 - 28 Aug 2024

National Company Visit

During this year's National Company Visit 35 Pharmacy students will be travelling to Den Haag on the 27th of August by bus. We will be leaving the UMCG early in the morning, because on the route to den Haag we will make a pitstop at Mosadex in Leiden, where we will also enjoy a nice tour and lunch. Next, we will go to Johnson and Johnson, also in Leiden. After the tours there will be a barbecue in the evening at beach club 'Buena Vista' followed by unlimited drinks for two hours and beach games. After these activities we can go and explore the city of Den Haag!

The next day on the 28th of August we will be travelling back to Groningen. On our way we will be stopping in Gorinchem. At 12 we will be expected there at pharmacy A15 for a tour. After this tour we will travel to Groningen again to end our trip with a nice dinner at Happy Italy. 

So, make sure to sign up and end the summer the best way possible!

Remark: Please note in the remarks whether you are a vegetarian/vegan and/or if you have dietary wishes! 

There is place for 35 students. If more students sign up a draw will be held on the 1st of August. The costs for the National Company Visit are 25 euros per person.


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