Parents' Day

About this event

Student Council Pharmacy 2024-2025
Date and time
Mar 21, 2025 12:00 - 18:00

Parents' Day

On Friday the 21st of March, the Parents' Day of Pharmaciae Sacrum will take place. This day will be organized especially for first-year students of Pharmacy, so you can show your parents, caregivers, brothers, sisters or other relatives more about your life as a Pharmacy student!

The day will start at 12:00 with a lunch at the faculty. Thereafter, at 12:45 there will be given an introduction speech. Furthermore, your parents will be informed about our study association P.S. and experience a mini-lecture. In addition, you will get a tour through the faculty and you will go to the lab yourselves! The day will be closed with a social drink which ends around 18:00. This event will be held in Dutch!

Note: there are 68 spots available, FULL = FULL.


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