Hospital Pharmacy Evening

About this event

The 143rd board of G.F.S.V. "Pharmaciae Sacrum"
Date and time
Nov 14, 2024 19:00 - 22:00

Hospital Pharmacy Evening

On Thursday the 14th of November, the Hospital Pharmacy Evening will take place! It will take place in room 3227.0130 at the Anda Kerkoven Centre. Hospital pharmacist and clinical pharmacologist at the Martini Hospital, Ferdi Sombogaard, will provide insights into hospital pharmacy. Additionally, there will be more information about the training program to become a hospital pharmacist. The first speaker will start at 19:00.

Are you interested in hospital pharmacy or do you want to know more about it? Sign up for the Hospital Pharmacy Evening!
Note: This event will be held in Dutch. There are 190 places available for this activity. If more than 190 people have signed up, a draw will take place on November 11.

Do you want to let this activity count for 'Professioneel en Academisch Handelen' or 'Professionalism in Pharmacy'? Click on ‘join’. After that, type ‘yes’ and for which course. If you don’t want to let the activity count, type ‘no’. 
For the students that follow PAH or ProPharm, 50% of the spots will be reserved, if the other 50% is not filled these spots can also be divided. When signing up, let us know if you want to let this activity count for either PAH or ProPharm.


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